The 6 Figure Stylist

10 Traits of Confidence to Attract More Clients

Aileen Lane

Strategy will get you so far but when you step into your personal power, the sky is the limit...

Personal Stylists often come to me for the strategy.

They can see I have a strategy that works.

They can see that my clients have a strategy that works.

I have come to believe that there is another thing just as important, if not more than important than strategy and that is personal power.

Personal power encompasses confidence, charisma, resilience, and the ability to keep pushing forward despite setbacks.

If you have a great strategy but are low in personal power then you'll see what I call the 'stop-start' effect.

You're all go for one week, turn up 3 days in a row on social media with brilliant content, and then you disappear again.

This does not engender warm fuzzy feelings in potential clients. It scares them off and they wonder what's happening in the background. Does she really believe all this confidence stuff she's sprouting or is it all just show?

Once you step into your personal power, it takes care of the 'stop-start' effect. Your energy and drive become more consistent and you have staying power for the longer term which is absolutely essential for a successful business and a steady stream of clients.